The Jewel Of The Nile
20th Century Fox (1985)
Comedy, Adventure, Romance, Action
In Collection
Seen ItYes
115 mins USA/English
DVD  Region 1   PG (Parental Guidance)
Danny DeVito Ralph
Michael Douglas Jack Colton
Kathleen Turner Joan Wilder
Spiros Focás Omar
Avner Eisenberg Jewel
Paul David Magid Tarak
Howard Jay Patterson Barak
Randall Edwin Nelson Karak
Samuel Ross Williams Arak
Timothy Daniel Furst Sarak
Hamid Fillali Rachid
Holland Taylor Gloria
Guy Cuevas Le Vasseur
Director Lewis Teague
Producer Michael Douglas
Jack Brodsky
Writer Lawrence Konner
Mark Rosenthal
Cinematography Jan de Bont
Musician Jack Nitzsche

Jack Colton (Michael Douglas) and Joan Wilder (Kathleen Turner) really weren't cut out for the calm, albeit luxurious life they had fallen into. Marriage was getting stale and adventure was missing. When Joan decides to head to the Middle East at the request of a mysterious sheik, she finds herself in trouble quickly. Jack hurries to her rescue with his friend Ralph (Danny DeVito) in tow. If searching for the mysterious Jewel is what got Jane into trouble, then finding it will only lead to more complications and surprises. When Jack arrives, they must run across North Africa to escape Omar (Spiros Focas) and his plans for the Jewel.
Edition Details
Edition Special Edition
Distributor 20th Century Fox
Release Date 8/29/2006
Packaging Keep Case
Screen Ratio Theatrical Widescreen (2.35:1)
Subtitles Spanish; English (Closed Captioned)
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital 5.1 [English]
Dolby Digital Stereo [French]
Dolby Digital Mono [Spanish]
Dolby Digital Surround [English]
Layers Single Side, Dual Layer
No. of Disks/Tapes 1

Commentary by director Lewis Teague "Romancing The Nile: A Winning Sequel" Featurette "Adventures Of A Romance Novelist" Featurette Deleted Scenes