Set in the modern day, Fight Club (1999) is an action/suspense movie starring Brad Pitt and Ed Norton and a supporting role played by Meatloaf. The film is narrated by Norton as he leads the viewer on an existential quest to find himself. What he finds out about himself and those closest to him will leave the viewer shocked and wanting more answers. Centered around the sleazy, undergound fight club Norton is introduced to by a stranger he meets on a flight, the narrator's life spirals out of control as he abandons his life as an insurance claim investigator. Abdicating all of his material possessions, the narrator seeks, with his comrades from the fight club, to challenge the staus quo of the consumer world by initiating "Project Mayhem". Ultimately, the narrator is rejected by the very group he helped establish, which serves as a metaphor for the psychological climax that is sure to engage the viewer to take a closer look at his or her consumer-driven life.