Creative Design (1942)
War, Thriller, Romance
In Collection
Seen ItYes
102 mins USA/English
DVD  Region 1   PG (Parental Guidance)
Ingrid Bergman Ilsa Lund Laszlo
Humphrey Bogart Richard Blaine
Sydney Greenstreet Senor Ferrari
Paul Henreid Victor Laszlo
Peter Lorre Ugarte
Joy Page Annina Brandel
Claude Rains Captain Louis Renault
S.Z. Sakall Carl
Conrad Veidt Major Heinrich Strasser
Dooley Wilson Sam
Director Michael Curtiz
Producer Jack L. Warner
Hal B. Wallis
Writer Murray Burnett
Joan Alison
Cinematography Arthur Edeson
Musician Max Steiner
M.K. Jerome
Jack Scholl
Herman Hupfeld

Set in WWII in Morocco, Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart) owns a popular nightclub. An ex-lover, Ilsa Lund, runs into him in his club. She is there with her husband who is running from the Germans, and they are trying to get to the US. Rick has possession of two "letters of transit" which are valuable documents allowing two people to go to Lisbon, Portugal and then on to America. Ilse and her husband, Viktor Lazlo (Paul Henreid) want to buy the letters. She even threatens Rick at gunpoint to get them, but won't shoot, because she still loves Rick. Rick, who still has feelings for her, too, pays off officials, keeps Viktor out of jail, and arranges for a plane to take Viktor to Lisbon. Rick pretends that Ilse will stay behind with him when her husband leaves. However, at the plane he makes her get on with her husband and fly to safety.
Edition Details
Distributor Warner Home Video
Release Date 2/15/2000
Packaging Snap Case
Screen Ratio Fullscreen (4:3)
Subtitles English; French; English (Closed Captioned)
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital Stereo [English]
Dolby Digital Stereo [French]
Dolby Digital Mono [English]
Dolby Digital Mono [French]
Mono [Spanish]
Layers Single Side, Single Layer
No. of Disks/Tapes 1
Personal Details
Links Casablanca at Movie Collector Connect

"The Making of..." Documentary Interactive Menus Theatrical Trailers Black & White