Creative Design (1984)
Biography, Musical
In Collection
Seen ItYes
173 mins USA/English
DVD  Region 1   PG (Parental Guidance)
Tom Hulce Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
F. Murray Abraham Antonio Salieri
Elizabeth Berridge Constance Mozart
Simon Callow Emanuel Schikaneder
Jeffrey Jones Emperor Joseph II
Roy Dotrice Leopold Mozart
Christine Ebersole Katerina Cavalieri
Charles Kay Count Orsini-Rosenberg
Kenneth McMillan Michael Schlumberg
Lisbeth Bartlett Papagena
Director Milos Forman
Producer Saul Zaentz
Bertil Ohlsson
Writer Peter Shaffer
Cinematography Miroslav Ondricek
Musician Johann Sebastian Bach
Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
John Strauss
Antonio Salieri

Follow the life of Wolfgang A. Mozart, through the eyes of his rival and contemporary Antonio Salieri. The plot is driven by Salieri's jealousy of Mozart's talent. Salieri's attempted suicide lands him in a sanetorium. A priest visits him to hear his confession, and gets an earful as Salieri confesses to lifelong jealousy, behind-the-scenes backstabbing and possibly the murder of Mozart. Through Salieri's eyes we learn of Mozart's prodigious childhood, the control his father excercized on his life, his marriage to Constance and his fancy for wine, women and song. We also get an excellent lesson in the twists and turns of Mozart's career from court composer, folk opera composer, and his genius in composition. We see first-hand how Mozart is plagued by the "child star" syndrome; after a famous and successful childhood, Mozart is ill-equipped to handle the pressures of adulthood. In the end, Constance leaves Mozart out of frustration, only to return to find Salieri, whom she has never trusted, helping a very sick Mozart finish a commissioned requiem, in hopes of benefiting himself. While Mozart is, at times, presented as a caricature, it teaches much about this man, his music, and his life.
Edition Details
Edition Japan Edition
Release Date 12/16/1997
Packaging Snap Case
Screen Ratio Theatrical Widescreen (2.35:1)
Subtitles English; English (Closed Captioned); French
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital 5.1 [English]
Dolby Digital Surround [French]
Layers Dual Side, Dual Layer
No. of Disks/Tapes 2
Personal Details
Links Amadeus at Movie Collector Connect

Disc 01 Alternate Music-Only Track Interactive Menus New Transfer / Digitally Restored Image & Sound Production Notes Scene Access Theatrical Trailers Color Closed-captioned Widescreen Dolby