Twenty-Eight Days Later
20th Century Fox (2002)
Horror, Thriller
In Collection
Seen ItNo
113 mins USA/English
DVD  Region 1
Naomie Harris Selena
Alex Palmer Activist
Cillian Murphy Jim
Bindu De Stoppani Activist
Jukka Hiltunen Activist
David Schneider Scientist
Toby Sedgwick Infected Priest
Christopher Dunne Jim's Father
Emma Hitching Jim's Mother
Noah Huntley Mark
Director Danny Boyle
Toby James
Producer Andrew Macdonald
Greg Caplan
Writer Alex Garland
Cinematography Anthony Dod Mantle
Musician Danny Boyle
John Murphy
Brian Eno

The world has changed over the past 28 days while Jim (Cillian Murphy) was in a coma. After being a victim of a bicycle accident he doesn't know what has happened. After waking from his coma Jim finds London to be lifeless. With destruction at every turn Jim soon finds that what he though was deserted was in fact inhabited with homicidal zombies. A blood borne disease released from a British lab is to blame. The disease is rapidly transmitted from test monkies to the whole population and Jim must find a way to survive. Jim discovers a group of survivors and they all head to Manchester; where they heard there'll be an army of protection, but when they arrive their troubles have just begun.
Edition Details
Release Date 2005
Packaging Keep Case
Screen Ratio Widescreen (16:9)
Subtitles English; Mandarin; Thai
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital 5.1 [English]
Layers Single Side, Single Layer
No. of Disks/Tapes 1

Interactive Menus Scene Selection