Lion's Gate (2006)
Action, Drama, Thriller
In Collection
Seen ItYes
87 mins USA/English
DVD  Region 1   R (Restricted)
Jason Statham Chev Chelios
Efren Ramirez Kaylo
Amy Smart Eve
Dwight Yoakam Doc Miles
Carlos Sanz Carlito
Jose Pablo Cantillo Verona
Reno Wilson Orlando
Jay Xcala Alex
Director Mark Neveldine
Brian Taylor
Producer Michael Davis
Michael Paseornek
Writer Mark Neveldine
Brian Taylor
Cinematography Adam Biddle
Musician Paul Haslinger

Jason Statham plays Chev Chelios, a Los Angeles hit-man. One morning following a hit, he awakes feeling drugged and sluggish. He finds a DVD planted by rival mobster Verona, which informs him that he has been injected with a drug known as a Beijing Cocktail, which will slow his adrenaline production and lead to his death within an hour. Chelios forces himself out of bed and sets out on a rampage across Los Angeles to locate his girlfriend Eve, who isn't answering her phone, get an antidote from his doctor, who has left town, find Verona and exact revenge, and most importantly, go to whatever extreme ends he must to keep his adrenaline pumping every second of the way.Chev catches up with Eve and makes contact with his doctor, both of whom aid him in keeping his adrenaline up. He finds and enters Verona's lair, only to be told that no antidote to the Cocktail exists.
Edition Details
Distributor Lions Gate
Release Date 1/9/2007
Packaging Keep Case
Screen Ratio Anamorphic Widescreen (1.85:1)
Subtitles English; English (Closed Captioned); Spanish
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital 5.1 EX [English]
Dolby Digital Stereo [English]
Layers Single Side, Dual Layer
No. of Disks/Tapes 1
Personal Details
Links Crank at Movie Collector Connect

"The Making of..." Documentary Cast Interviews Director's Commentary Family-Friendly Audio - Enjoy the film without the usual expletives... should you wish so.