The Great Dictator
Image (1940)
Comedy, Drama
In Collection
Seen ItNo
IMDB   8.4
124 mins USA/English
DVD  Region 1   NR (Not Rated)
Charles Chaplin Adenoid Hynkel/A Jewish Barber
Henry Daniell Garbitsch
Carter DeHaven Spook
Emma Dunn Mrs. Jaeckel
Reginald Gardiner Commander Schultz
Billy Gilbert Field Marshal Herring
Paulette Goddard Hannah
Grace Hayle Madame Napaloni
Maurice Moscovitch Mr. Jaeckel
Jack Oakie Benzini Napaloni
Rudolph Anders
Chester Conklin
Eddie Dunn
Director Charles Chaplin
Producer Charlie Chaplin
Charles Chaplin
Carter DeHaven
Writer Charlie Chaplin
Charles Chaplin
Cinematography Karl Struss
Roland Totheroh
Musician Charles Chaplin
Meredith Willson
Richard Wagner
Johannes Brahms

The action takes place in 1918, during the First World War. A Jewish barber (Charles Chaplin), enlisted in the army of Tomania, works on a huge canon, although he has some difficulties with it. After a few other mishaps, he finishes the war wounded and with an amnesia. The years go by and Hynkel (Charles Chaplin), the dictator arrives at the head of the country. He promises to his people a revenge and begins to bully the Jews. Meanwhile, the barber goes out of the hospital and gets back to his shop. The barber look strangely like the dictator, and that will make him meets some problems…
Edition Details
Edition 2 Disc Special Edition
Distributor Warner Home Video
Release Date 7/1/2003
Packaging Custom Case
Screen Ratio Fullscreen (4:3)
Subtitles Chinese; English; English (Closed Captioned); French; Korean; Mandarin; Portuguese; Spanish; Thai
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital 5.1 [English]
Dolby Digital Mono [English]
Dolby Digital Mono [French]
Dolby Digital Mono [Spanish]
Layers Single Side, Dual Layer
No. of Disks/Tapes 1
Personal Details
Purchase Price $29.98
Links The Great Dictator at Movie Collector Connect
Amazon US

All-New Digital Transfer Interactive Menus Scene Access The Tramp and the Dictator - Documentary by Kevin Brownlow and Michael Kloft, which parallels thelives of Chaplin and Hitler, born the same week of the same year. Color Behind-the-Scenes Footage Charlie The Barber - Twenty years before The Great Dictator, a scene shot by Chaplin for his short, Sunnyside, but deleted fromt he finished film. Scene from Monsier Verdoux(1947) Scenes from films in the Chaplin Collection Poster Gallery