Peter Gabriel: Secret World Live
Universal Music & Video (1994)
In Collection
Seen ItYes
IMDB   8.7
103 mins UK/English
DVD  Region 1   NR (Not Rated)
Paula Cole Herself
Peter Gabriel Himself
Tony Levin Himself - Bass
L Minassian
Jean-Claude Naimro Himself - Keyboards
David Rhodes Himself - Guitar
Manu Katché Himself - Drums
Shenkar Himself - Violin )
Lévon Minassian Himself - Duduk
'Reddy' Mela Amissa Himself - Backing Vocals
'Styno' Mubi Matadi Himself - Backing Vocals
Director Fran Girard
Francois Girard
François Girard
Producer Robert Warr
Elizabeth Flowers
Martin Haxby
Writer Peter Gabriel
Robert Lepage
Musician Paula Cole
Peter Gabriel

Peter Gabriel's extraordinary mix of sound, visuals, and theatrics gets the widescreen digital treatment in this remixed and remastered edition of a 105-minute concert recorded in 1994 in Italy. But not without some controversy, it seems, as several viewers have protested that the new version contains some not-so-deft lip-syncing with poor visual quality. The complaints may be valid, but chances are most viewers won't notice; in any event, the performance by Gabriel and his international band (with violinist Shankar, drummer Manu Katche, and bassist Tony Levin, among others) is strong, featuring versions of well-known material like "Solsbury Hill," "Sledgehammer," "In Your Eyes," and the always-moving "Don't Give Up" (with then-backup singer Paula Cole capably handling the Kate Bush role). Bonus features include a delightful "time lapse" view of the concert setup and breakdown, a "making of" documentary, and a brief preview of Gabriel's 2002-03 "Growing Up" tour. --Sam Graham
Edition Details
Distributor Interscope Records
Release Date 3/11/2003
Packaging Keep Case
Screen Ratio Fullscreen (4:3)
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital 5.1 [English]
Dolby Digital Stereo [English]
DTS [English]
Layers Single Side, Dual Layer
No. of Disks/Tapes 1
Personal Details
Purchase Price $19.98
Links Peter Gabriel: Secret World Live at Movie Collector Connect
Amazon US

Timelapse Film of the Stage Set up in Berlin, Germany The Making of Peter Gabriel's Secret World Live Film Which Includes Exclusive Video Interviews and Behind the Scenes Footage Bonus Track: Remixed Quiet Version of Steam With Photo Montage From the Tour A Film Taster of Peter Gabriel's Growing Up Tour