Space Station
Warner Bros. (2002)
Family, Documentary, Action
In Collection
Seen ItYes
47 mins USA/English
DVD  Region 1   NR (Not Rated)
Tom Cruise Host
Michael J. Bloomfield Himself
Robert D. Cabana Himself
Leroy Chiao Himself
Kenneth D. Cockrell Himself
Robert L. Curbeam
Brian Duffy Himself
Marc Garneau Himself
Michael L. Gernhardt Himself
Yuri Pavlovich Gidzenko Himself
Sergei Krikalev
Peter J.K. Wisoff
Director Toni Myers
Producer Toni Myers
Writer Toni Myers

SPACE STATION is the first cinematic journey to the International Space Station (ISS), where audiences can experience for themselves life in zero gravity aboard the new station. The audience blasts off into space with the astronauts and cosmonauts from Florida's Kennedy Space Center and Russia's Baikonur Cosmodrome to rendezvous with their new home in orbit 220 miles above Earth. SPACE STATION is a story of challenges, setbacks and triumphs and ultimately, the shared international victory of men and women whose dreams exceed the limits of life on this Earth.

DVD Features:
Audio Commentary
Photo gallery

Edition Details
Edition IMAX
Distributor Imax
Release Date 7/19/2005
Packaging Keep Case
Screen Ratio Fullscreen (4:3)
Subtitles English; French; Spanish; English (Closed Captioned)
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital 5.1 [English]
Dolby Digital 5.1 [French]
Dolby Digital Stereo [English]
Layers Single Side, Single Layer
No. of Disks/Tapes 1
Personal Details
Purchase Price $9.98
Links Space Station at Movie Collector Connect
Amazon US

Adventures In Space Featurette Commentary by Director Toni Myers and Astronaut Marsha Ivins Two Astronaut-guided Audiovisual Space Station Tours: - Expedition 7 - STS - 108 Stills Gallery