Guns Of The Magnificent Seven
MGM (Video & DVD)
In Collection
Seen ItNo
106 mins USA/English
DVD  Region 1   G (General Audience)
George Kennedy
James Whitmore
Monte Markham
Reni Santoni
Bernie Casey
Director Paul Wendkos

A capable cast led by George Kennedy helps make this third-go round for the Magnificent Seven franchise a worthwhile adventure for Western fans. Kennedy is a more-than-capable replacement for Yul Brynner as Chris, who must round up a new Seven to help rescue a revolutionary leader (Fernando Rey) held captive by a sadistic military leader (Michael Ansara, adding another notch to his long list of villains). Comparisons to the original Magnificent Seven are inevitable, and while Guns doesn't match up in terms of scope or quality of writing, the solid cast--which includes James Whitmore, Joe Don Baker, and Bernie Casey as members of the new Seven--overcomes any limitations by delivering energetic performances; the Spanish locations and veteran TV director Paul Wendkos's nods to spaghetti Western conventions are also a plus. --Paul Gaita
Edition Details
Distributor MGM (Video & DVD)
Release Date 5/25/2004
Screen Ratio 2.35:1
Subtitles English; French; Spanish
Audio Tracks English Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono
Spanish Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono
No. of Disks/Tapes 1
Personal Details
Purchase Price $14.98
Links Amazon US