My Name Is Bruce
Image (2007)
Comedy, Horror
In Collection
Seen ItYes
86 mins USA/English
DVD  Region 1   R (Restricted)
Bruce Campbell Bruce Campbell
Grace Thorsen Kelly Graham
Taylor Sharpe Jeff
Ted Raimi Mills Toddner / Wing
Ben L. McCain Mayor
Ellen Sandweiss Cheryl
Timothy Patrick Quill Frank
Dan Hicks Dirt Farmer
Logan Martin Clayton
Ali Akay Little Debbie
Director Bruce Campbell
Producer Bruce Campbell
Mike Richardson
Writer Mark Verheiden

My Name is Bruce is a cross between a horror movie and a comedy. Bruce Campbell (himself) is a somewhat sleazy B movie actor living in a trailer. He is beloved by a group of cult devotees of his movies, which are low-budget horror films. In these horror films, Campbell has played a hero named Ashley J. Williams, or “Ash.” A local fanboy named Jeff (Taylor Sharpe) is so divorced from reality that he mistakes the actor Bruce for his character Ash, and kidnaps him to get him to destroy an actual monster that has been unleashed on the world. The monster is Quan-Di (Jamie Peck), the Chinese God of Bean Curd, and he is very, very angry. Bruce discovers that he needs to sober up, stop fooling around, and truly save the world from this demonic presence.
Edition Details
Distributor Image Entertainment
Release Date 2/10/2009
Packaging Keep Case
No. of Disks/Tapes 1