Sony Pictures (2009)
Action, Science Fiction, Thriller
In Collection
Seen ItNo
158 mins USA/English
Blu-ray Disc  Region 1   PG-13 (Parental Guidance)
John Cusack Jackson Curtis
Amanda Peet Kate Curtis
Chiwetel Ejiofor Adrian Helmsley
Thandie Newton Laura Wilson
Oliver Platt Carl Anheuser
Thomas McCarthy Gordon Silberman
Woody Harrelson Charlie Frost
Danny Glover President Thomas Wilson
Liam James Noah Curtis
Morgan Lily Lilly Curtis
Director Roland Emmerich
Producer Roland Emmerich
Mark Gordon
Writer Roland Emmerich
Harald Kloser
Cinematography Dean Semler
Musician Harald Kloser
Thomas Wanker

Jackson Curtis (John Cusack) is a divorced man. His former wife, Kate Curtis (Amanda Peet) and children live together with another man. In Guatemala there is a rumor that several of people have committed suicide as they believed that the world will cease to exist in 2012. Accordingly, a forum named ``Institute for Human Continuity`` (IHC) is formed. It starts constructing gigantic protective ships/ vessels under the Himalayas to face the dooms day. However, they discover that a global disaster caused by the dislocation of the Earth's outer layer will take place earlier than anticipated. Many cities and civilizations are completely destroyed. As the floods get worse, the US government announces the end of the world. Jackson Curtis and his family and some other survivors struggle their way to China to board the protective ship and save themselves.
Edition Details
Release Date 3/2/2010
Packaging Keep Case
Screen Ratio Theatrical Widescreen (2.40:1)
Audio Tracks DTS 5.1 [English]
DTS 5.1 [French]
No. of Disks/Tapes 1
Personal Details
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