Philadelphia Story
Warner Bros. (1940)
Comedy, Romance
In Collection
Seen ItYes
112 mins USA/English
DVD  Region 1   NR (Not Rated)
Cary Grant C. K. Dexter Haven
Katharine Hepburn Tracy Samantha Lord
James Stewart Mike Connor
Ruth Hussey Liz Imbrie
John Howard George Kittredge
Roland Young Uncle Willie
John Halliday Seth Lord
Mary Nash Margaret Lord
Virginia Weidler Dinah Lord
Henry Daniell Sidney Kidd
Director George Cukor
Basil Wrangell
Producer Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Writer Donald Stewart
Waldo Salt
Cinematography Joseph Ruttenberg
Musician Franz Waxman
Harold Arlen

"The Philadelphia Story" (1940) is a classic story, a screwball comedy about an original love triangle set to the high society of Philadelphia. Tracy Lord (Katharine Hepburn), is about to tie the knot to George Kittredge (John Howard), a new addition to the upper class. But can this wedding survive the prodding photographer, Elizabeth "Liz" Imbrie (Ruth Hussey) and writer, Macaulay "Mike" Connor (James Stewart) of the dreaded gossip magazine? And what does the first Mr. Tracy Lord, C. K. Dexter Haven (Cary Grant) think of the wedding? See how the sparks fly and the wittiness never stops in this delightful adaptation of Philip Barry's Broadway play.
Edition Details
Release Date 5/16/2000
Packaging Snap Case
Screen Ratio Fullscreen (4:3)
Subtitles English; English (Closed Captioned); French; Spanish
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital Mono [English]
Layers Single Side, Single Layer
No. of Disks/Tapes 1

Import NTSC