The Piano
Artisan (1993)
Drama, Romance
In Collection
Seen ItYes
121 mins Australia/English
DVD  Region 1, Region 2   R (Restricted)
Holly Hunter Ada
Harvey Keitel Baines
Sam Neill Stewart
Anna Paquin Flora
Kerry Walker Aunt Morag
Geneviève Lemon Nessie
Tungia Baker Hira
Ian Mune Reverend
Peter Dennett Head Seaman
Te Whatanui Skipwith Chief Nihe
Director Jane Campion
Producer Jan Chapman
Alain Depardieu
Writer Jane Campion
Cinematography Stuart Dryburgh
Musician Michael Nyman

The story revolves around a woman Ada McGrath (Holly Hunter). The only love of Ada’s life is her daughter Flora McGrath (Anna Paquin) and her piano. The story progresses as Ada moves to New Zealand with her daughter and piano for a arrange marriage with Stewart (Sam Neill). Soon she discovers that both her husband and her relationship with him is meaningless. The relationship she shared with him was not the kind she always desired. She suffers most when her husband sells her piano to George (Harvey Keitel). The only way to get back the piano is to teach piano to George along with some other added conditions. The movie further moves on with a new development of relationship between Ada and George.
Edition Details
Distributor Lions Gate
Release Date 1/25/2001
Packaging Snap Case
Screen Ratio Fullscreen (4:3)
Fullscreen (4:3, Letterboxed)
Widescreen (1.85:1)
Subtitles English (Closed Captioned); Italian
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital 5.1 [Italian]
Dolby Digital Surround [English]
Layers Single Side, Single Layer
No. of Disks/Tapes 1
Personal Details
Links The Piano at Movie Collector Connect

Interactive Menus Scene Selection