Lions Gate (2008)
In Collection
Seen ItYes
101 mins USA/English
DVD  Region 1   R (Restricted)
Bill Maher Himself
Steve Burg Himself
George W. Bush Himself
Kirk Cameron Himself
George Coyne Himself
Tom Cruise Himself
Jerry Cummings Himself
Jose Luis De Jesus Miranda Himself
Reginald Foster Himself
Dean Hamer Himself - Dr. Dean Hamer
Director Larry Charles
Producer Jonah Smith
Palmer West
Writer Bill Maher

Bill Maher (himself) takes on religion, traveling all over the world to skewer those involved with Scientology, Islam, Mormonism, Christianity and more. He visits the Bible Belt, Wailing Wall, Salt Lake City, Via Dolorosa, Stonehenge, the Vatican, mosques, the Holy Land Experience Park in Florida and other places. He even visits a gay bar for Muslims. He conducts many interviews with both followers and leaders from these religions. He is part Jewish and part Catholic, but totally agnostic and is filled with incredulity about those who follow any religions. Bill Maher wants people to explain him what and why they believe certain things.
Edition Details
Release Date 2/17/2009
No. of Disks/Tapes 1